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PSA Frame
Corpus Christi Camera Club

Photographic Society of America

The Photographic Society of America is a worldwide camera club. The headquarters for PSA is in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
The PSA offers many services to camera clubs and photographers. For the clubs, slide programs are available in various photogaphic topics. From learning darkroom techniques to how to make award winning images.
For the individual photographer it has a unique program that can help you in becoming a better photographer.
In the Clolor Slide Division there are study groups that you can join to help you improve your yechnique.
For the print maker there is the American Portfolio. This is a study group that sends photos made by members of a particular study group to evaluate and give helpful comments.
You can visit the PSA website by going to our "Related Links" page.

In the Star Ratings section our very own Betsy Dorrell was mentioned. She received her first star in the Color Slide Division and the Nature Slide Division. Our congratulations to her on this outstanding accomplishment.

Well, a lot has changed since Betsy got her first star. She is now listed in the Who's Who of Color Slides and Nature Slides.
In Color Slides she has 28 acceptances in 7 salons and 21 acceptances in 10 salons. YOU GO GIRL!

Tops In Nature Slides Director, Ruben T. Barrera, will be sending out invitations to those Nature Slide Photographers to submit their slides to the 2002 TOPS show. This is his 14th year of doing this and he has seen some of the best nature slides from the top PSA Nature Slide makers from around the world.

Upcoming PSA Conventions

San Diego, CA - August 27 - September 1, 2001 Town & Country Resort Hotel

Pittsburgh, PA - September 2 - 7, 2002
Doubletree Hotel

Houston, TX - September 1 - 6, 2003
Adams Mark Hotel & Resort

PSA Salons
If you would like to enter the PSA Salons contact Ruben to see what it takes to do so. These salons are world wide print and slide competitions.
If slides is not what you are interested in, there are print salons. There is a Large Print Division and a Small Print Division.

PSA Headquarters is located at 3000 Founders Blvd. Suite 103, Oklahoma City, OK