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2001 - A Photo Odyssey
Corpus Christi Camera Club

THEY CAME...THEY SAW...THEY TOOK PICTURES...and then they went home. There were close to 100 photographers at the GSCCC 2001 Convention. Thanks to all of you for making this convention one to remember.

Thursday - April 26

Viewing of the pre-judged prints that were entered for the End of the Year Awards were shown. The slides were not shown due to the amount of windows that were in the room did not allow the room to get dark enough.

GSCCC President Paul Muehlemann welcomed everyone to the convention.

Friday - April 27

The field trip Friday morning to the Corpus Christi Botanical Gardens was well attended. Photos were taken of the many rose bushes,the hibiscus plants, bromeliads, cacti, succulents, and other tropical plants.

The Friday afternoon speakers were William Ricks, APSA, who will present two videos.

The Art of Postcard Photography by Frank Whaley.

Doug Fehr from Epso Printers.

Chris Raynor, owner of CMR Gallery on how to cut mats and frame your prints.

Saturday - April 28

The opening program for the day was on Pinhole Photography By Ruben T. Barrera.

Brenda Miles on Handcoloring B&W Photographs.

Woody Blackburn on The Art of Seeing.

Carole Kropscot on Close Up and Macro Photography.

Richard Wolfe on Portrait Lighting.

In the evening the winners of the prints and slide competition will be named at the Awards Dinner. The evening will conclude with our guest speaker, Griss Smith from Texas Highway Magazine, and an invitation by the Oklahoma Camera Club to the 2002 GSCCC Convention to be held in Oklahoma City.

A video of J. Griffis (Griff) Smith's presentation at the banquet is available. If you missed his very informative presentation get a hold of Ruben T. Barrera if you would like to see it.

Convention Speakers

Thanks to our speakers who made the GSCCC 2001 Convention a great time. They are:

William Ricks, APSA - Austin Shutterbugs, Austin, Texas

Frank Whaley - Frank Whaley Postcards - Corpus Christi, Texas

Chris Raynor - CMR Gallery - Corpus Christi, Texas

Brenda Miles - West Light Studios - Corpus Christi Camera Club - Corpus Christi, Texas

Bill Smylie, FPSA - Meridian Camera Club, Meridian, Mississippi

Richard Wolfe - "Portraits by Richard" - Corpus Christi Camera Club. Aransas Pass, Texas

Woody Blackburn - DeWitt County Camera Club & Gonzales County Camera Club - Gonzales, Texas

Carole Kropscot - Plano Photography Club - Plano, Texas

Doug Fehr - Epson Printers

Ruben T. Barrera - Corpus Christi Camera Club - Corpus Christi, Texas

Griss Smith - Texas Highways Magazine

Thanks to our convention committee:

Ruben T. Barrera - Convention Coordinator, Program Coordinator
Willie Trevino - Assistant Convention Coordinator
Marcie Palmer - Finance Coordinator, Banquet Coordinator
Martha Respondek - Hospitality Coordinator
Judy Hogan - Advertising Coordinator
Betsy Dorrell - Printing Coordinator
Bill & Lynette Browning - Competition Coordinators
James Wilson - Equipment Coordinator
J.R.Rios & Sherry Hawthorne - Model Coordinators
Karl Dirksmyer - Banquet Speaker Coordinator
Stephen Lay - Backup Speaker

APRIL 25 - 27, 2002

Start making plans to attend the

GSCCC 2002 Convention April 25 - 27

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma