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Art Center Frame
Corpus Christi Camera Club

Art Center of Corpus Christi

The Art Center of Corpus Christ is made up of ten organizations of artists. The Art Association of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Art Guild, C.C. Hi-Lights Porcelain Art Club, Elizabeth Simpson Traditional Art Association, Flour Bluff Art Association, Pastel/Colored Pencil Society, South Texas Art League, Southwest Sculpture Society, Watercolor Society of South Texas, and the Corpus Christi Camera Club. An eleventh group, the Independents, consists of artists that are not affiliated with any of the above mentioned groups.
The Art Center has two studios available to Art Center members who want to share their work with the public. These are rented out on a monthly.
AS members of the Art Center you can have an exhibit of your work at the Corpus Christi Main Library, the Lobby Gallery, and the Corpus Christi Botanical Gardens. The exhibit is up for a two month period.
There are two exhibits during the year that are open to the entire membership. The All Membership Exhibit is held in April and the Dimension Show in November.

Art Center Exhibits

The Gowns of the Buccaneer Queen and her Court.

The Art Center will be closing down our club darkroom this summer. That area will become part of the NEW Art Center. No plans are on the drawing board for a new darkroom.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

The Art Center of Corpus Christi is located at 100 Shoreline overlooking Corpus Christi Bay.
Art Center hours are 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday through Sunday.
Phone number is 361-884-6406
Executive Director: Alley Josey

Dimension Show - November 2001