BUDDY GLISSON Buddy has eight of his color prints on exhibit at Daylight Donuts located in the Cedar Ridge Center at Saratoga and Weber. Stop by and see his work. DEWITT COUNTY SHUTTERBUGS CAMERA CLUB PHOTO CONTEST Judy Hogan and her granddaughter Haley King placed in the DeWitt County Photo Contest. Judy placed 2nd in the Animal Category and Haley placed 2nd and 3rd in the Youth Division. Club Web Page GSCCC June and July Competitions From time to time we run into problems beyond our control in getting into our web site to update it. So we now have a back up plan...new web page. It is located at: http://www.geocities.com/click1952/The_Image.html If our web site is down you can go to this site for a brief run down of our upcoming events. The GSCCC Competitions are now under way. We will try to have a decent showing at next years end of the year competition in Oklahoma City. We can enter in the Large Prints competition. We can enter up to four color prints and four B&W prints. One person can enter a color and a B&W print. The minimum size is an 8 X 10 print in a 11 X 14 mat. In Small Prints we can enter four prints,B&W or color. Maximum size is 8 X 10 or 8 X 12. Color prints in both of these competitions can be commercially processed. In Nature Slides and Pictorial Slides we can enter four slides. The slides MUST be spotted on the lower left corner as you view the slide. For June the competitions are: Large Prints Nature Slides All entries MUST be mailed out by the June 5th. Contact Ruben at 852-1420 if you would like to submit slides and or prints. Take them to the club meeting or call Ruben. He will pick up your entries. For July the competitions will be in Small Prints and Pictorial Slides. So, one month the competitions are Large Prints/Nature Slides and the next month it is Small Prints/Pictorial Slides. So, keep in mind which one you would like to enter. We will be judging the Small Prints in January. Keep looking in the club newsletter for the upcoming competitions and at the web page.