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Members List
Corpus Christi Camera Club

Membership Dues are due

Please mail in your memebrship dues to:
Marcia Palmer, 449 Sheridan, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

Dues are $20 for a single person, $30 per couple, and $9 fro an associate member (18 years and under).

New list due next month.

Welcome to our Guests and New Members!

We had a guest at our November meeting.
Jesse Alvarado stopped by for a visit. He had visited our club during the summer.

Jaime Alcocer showed up to the meeting and renewed his membership. We welcome him back.

Next Meeting January 23, 2001 - 6:30 pm at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Program - Nature Photography by Roger Zessin
Open and Closed Competition (Portrait Photography)